92y mos career map
92y mos career map

92y mos career map 92y mos career map

Senior logistics NCO of a Basic Combat Training brigade Requests and receives property from PBO, upon receipt of equipment, inventories the items issues out equipment on hand receipts executes turn-in documents and turn-ins of unserviceable or excess property prepares and maintains completed clothing records and OCIE records all soldiers listed on DA Form 1379 ensures Readiness NCO receives appropriate documentation for the monthly USR maintains hand receipt files and related component listing. Serves as the BN's Materiel Supply Sergeant in a Special Forces Support Battalion prepared to deploy and conduct special operations throughout the USCENTCOM AOR responsible for maintaining 402 lines of Authorized Stockage List (ASL) valued in excess of $636,000 specializes in unit level maintenance administrative data entry using the Standard Army Maintenance System Enhanced (SAMSE) provides logistical support to 21 customers throughout the Group prepares daily, weekly, and monthly reports sent to higher headquarters responsible for the health, welfare, training, and employment of three noncommissioned officers and two Soldiers. Serves as the Supply Noncommissioned Officer responsible for the request, receipt, issue, and accountability of individual, organizational, installation, and expendable supplies and equipment assists in property accountability through the Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE) system, ensuring total accuracy ensures critical assets were on hand or ordered monitors all sensitive items and unit inventories initiated Financial Liability Investigations of Property Loss (FLIPL) accounts for the health, personal welfare, and training of three Soldiers and directly responsible for $60 million worth of organizational equipment. Responsible for managing the Supply Discipline Program schedules and performs preventive and organizational maintenance on communications equipment, controlled cryptographic items (CCI), weapons and other sensitive items post transactions to property books and transaction files initiates financial liability investigations of property loss (FLIPL). Supply Sergeant for a 42 Soldier Signal Company responsible for maintaining Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-A), to include the ordering and reconciliation of all supplies and equipment tracking of the unit logistics budget monitoring the pick-up and turn in of all equipment coming to and leaving the unit management and tracking of transportation, ammunition, billeting, inventories, load plans, licensing, field preparation and return. Serves as the Supply Noncommissioned Officer of the most geographically-dispersed recruiting battalion in USAREC, consisting of 6 time zones, 199 Soldiers, 27 DA Civilians, 4 contractors, 5 recruiting companies, 34 recruiting centers, a battalion headquarters elements, and 2 MEPS responsible for the request, receipt, issue, and accountability of individual, organizational, installation, and expendable supplies and equipment assists in property accountability, ensuring total accuracy ensures critical assets were on hand or ordered monitors all sensitive items and unit inventories initiated Financial Liability Investigations of Property Loss (FLIPL) accounts for the health, personal welfare, and training of three Soldiers and directly responsible for $10 million worth of organizational equipment. Responsible for the training and personal welfare of four Soldiers. Support (GCSS-Army) system assists and advises the Executive Officer and Troop Commander on logistical matters Property books and transaction files initiates financial liability investigations of property loss (FLIPL) responsible for over $12 million worth of organizational equipment maintains property accountability within the global combat

92y mos career map

Performs preventive and organizational maintenance on weapons and other sensitive items oversees transactions to Unit Supply Sergeant assigned to a Dismounted Reconnaissance Troop responsible for the request, receipt, issue, andĪccountability, of individual, organizational, installation, and expendable supplies and equipment schedules and Senior supply NCO for the Joint Forces Headquarters Logistical Support Center (LSC) functions as the unit, battalion, and brigade level 92Y works directly with other MSCs and state logisticians responsible for $19M of unit property, managing 60 storage locations in Global Combat Service Support-Army (GCSS-A), and supervising two subordinate unit supply NCOs oversees the day-to-day supply operations, requesting, receiving, hand receipting, and turn-in of all Non-Expendable, Expendable and Durable items, Government Purchase Card (GPC) purchases, Soldier Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) and Central Clothing Distribution Center (CCDF) transactions.

92y mos career map